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NCSL Communication Newsletters

Daily news docket and resources for state legislatures and staff.

Monthly review of new NCSL reports, databases and more.

Occasional updates on breaking state and federal policy news.

Weekly announcements on briefs, webinars, online meetings and more.

Biweekly notices on state policy ideas, insights and innovations.

Weekly review of federal legislation and how it impacts states.

Occasional announcements about NCSL meetings and events.

Occasional updates from NCSL for legislators and legislative staff only.

Occasional news and updates just for legislative staff.

Newsletters a bit more policy specific

Triannual round up of after school and summer learning publications, legislations and other resources.

Monthly research, legislative practices and insights on state elections issues.

Monthly human services and housing policy news and resources.

Quarterly update on state policy trends and resources.

Biweekly federal and state education policy news.

Quarterly spotlight on environmental policy research, news and trends.

Monthly roundup of front-end justice policy, research and news.

Monthly update featuring NCSL’s new health and human services resources.

Quarterly summary of state-related policy resources for legislative staff.

Quarterly update on state legislative trends, court decisions and resources.

Quarterly update on state nuclear news, legislative trends and resources.

Monthly update on state energy news, trends, publications and meetings.

Weekly recap of state budget and tax developments.

Quarterly update on state policy news and resources.

Biannual update for anyone new or young in their legislative career.
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